Saturday, 2 September 2017

Welcome 12C! Homework 1

For Monday  11th Sep:
1. Sign up to Google Classroom using the code lhevgwb. You must sign in with your school email address. If you don’t wish to use this, forward all emails to your usual account.
2. Follow me on twitter if you would like to - @EnglangGeek
3. Read the article given to you in class and answer the questions

For Friday 15th 
1. Learn the terms in the Quizlet ready for a test

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Gender revision / wider reading - year 12 and year 13

This is useful for everyone: Year 12, we have finished Language and Gender now, so it's all down to you. This is a really useful post on a blog I've recommended before. You certainly don't need to learn all of this, but it's useful background / wider reading - especially for those aiming for those higher grades.

Year 13 - this may be a nice way to ease yourself into your gender revision. We'll be coming on to this after Easter.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Year 12 Homework and Private Study for Tuesday 21st March - 12B only

It would be a good idea to re-visit the Diversity mind map from today ready for next week when we will be coming back to this. Also, remember that we will be re-visiting the Tannen test from last Tuesday.

Some of you may wish to work on that paragraph that we started in class, weaving the diversity approach in as a challenge to the Difference approach. If you want to hand this in on Tuesday I will look at it.

Compulsory homework for everybody: Read about Lakoff in the Gender Theorist Booklet (some information also in the appendices) and make notes ready for next week. You need to ready to apply her theories as we won't be going over it in class.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Year 13 Homework and wider reading

Homework due for Tuesday 28th February is to analyse the Scooby Doo texts (available in the google drive if you missed the lesson). Apply everything you have learnt so far about literacy to the texts. Create a table of AO1 features that you have found (remember, you still need to label and use terminology) and link those features to an AO2 concept that we have learnt.

Some wider reading is available on the google drive in the Literacy folder. Also, I recommend this: Michael Rosen summary for a really good overview of the issues surrounding phonics teaching in schools. It's quite detailed, but for those hoping for a really top grade, it's very valuable.

There's also this that you can watch: Phonics screening video
You don't have to watch all of it (it gets a little repetitive!) but it's a great way to understand the system of phonics at work in schools, and good revision for some key terms, like phonemes, alien words, digraphs and split digraphs.

Lastly, there will be an essay to do straight after half-term, so going over your notes would be really useful and revising some of the key terms. Get those mind-maps and flashcards sorted now. You'll be thanking me in June!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Year 12 Gender homework

I think I was a little unclear with deadlines this week, and some of you seem to have quite a bit of work at the moment, so here are some clarified deadlines for outstanding work:
For Thurs (12B) and Fri (12c1):
Read articles and summarise key points ready to feedback in class set last Thursday/Friday
For Tuesday:
  • Watch the film clips on the blogpost below and write a paragraph that summarises the message of the film. There is a sample paragraph to give you an idea of what to write in the booklet that we used last lesson.
  • Write a paragraph about how the ManFlu Lozzers text positions the audience to view the male gender. What gender representations are created through language? Use AO1 terminology too!

Monday, 30 January 2017

Year 12 homework for Tuesday 31st January and useful revision for Y13

Miss Representation 
The Mask You Live In 

Homework – watch the two film trailers above. Below is the start of an essay that a student wrote after considering the issues raised by the film about the representation of women. Consider the issues raised by ‘The Mask you live in’ and write the opening of an essay about the effects of representation on men.

Objectification of Women:
Every day, women around the world are objectified, treated as less of an equal, and denied the same opportunities as our fellow men. 

Why? The media. 

If the media is sending girls the message that women are objects and that is their primary being, girls will think that this is their path to power. Conversely, the more girls self-objectify the more likely they are to have lower confidence, lower ambition, lower cognitive functioning and lower grades. 

Monday, 23 January 2017

Year 13 Literacy Homework

Task: Read p4-5 of literacy booklet about Creative and Rule-based attitudes. Do the task. Read the last pages of the booklet (expected standards at school) and answer the following questions:
What is Key Stage 1?
What are the 4 key areas children are assessed on in terms of their writing in KS1?
State two things that are expected in terms of handwriting (look up the words legible and orientation if you don’t understand them?
What punctuation marks are children expected to be able to use accurately? Write a sentence that includes all of the punctuation marks they are expected to use. You may have to write 2?
What aspects of grammar are children expected to have mastered?
What process should children be using as they write?

Due date: Tuesday 31st Jan

Monday, 2 January 2017

Y13 Aiming for an A or an A*?

There is a summary of an article I've read recently on the Google drive. This is the link:

It's a useful overview of where linguists currently are  in the nature / nurture debate. Enjoy!